Result the imperfect food safety laws and regulations , inadequate food safety monitoring networks , outdated technical supports , insufficient scientific verification to the food safety standards , and ambiguous definitions in strategy development were the contradictions which lay ahead of us 结果我国食品安全卫生法律法规和卫生监督体制、食品卫生标准和检测体系、食品卫生技术支撑系统水平以及食品安全卫生的监控策略定位等问题是当前面临的主要矛盾。
Crime of engaging in self - seeking misconduct is set against judicial personnel , but it is not clear in theory of criminology and practice who would be the right person prosecuted , whether juror could commit said crime , how to set up the standard of complicity . this ambiguous definition of crime subject makes practice confused 设立徇私枉法罪的目的是规制刑事司法人员的职权行为,但对徇私枉法罪的主体范围问题,特别是人民陪审员等特殊主体是否可以成为本罪主体,以及共犯认定标准如何确定,理论界存在较大争议,司法实践中也认定不一,直接影响了本罪的司法适用。